Mabel Settling

So now that Mabel has been here for nearly two weeks, she’s settling and coming out of her shell a bit.  The shelter tells me that she’s about two years old but, judging from the amount she likes to play, I’d say she’s possibly a bit younger.  We’ll see the next time I have to take her to see my vet.

Now that she’s not hiding under the bed any more, she’s starting to find new places to sleep upstairs – no sign of her being willing to come down the staircase just yet.  She’s usually waiting on the landing when I come home and it’s lovely to see her cheery little face at the top of the stairs.  She’s even starting to find her voice


Here she is, playing with her second favourite toy.  String.  Yes – typical cat – spend a small fortune on toy mice, rattling balls, scratching posts and the like and they always settle for the simple things like string, cable ties and shoelaces:


We’re currently engaged in debate about the fact that it’s not acceptable to swipe my fingers whenever I’m stroking her and she’s purring and happy.  As she’s not been used to a lot of human contact, my feeling is that discussion may go on for a while but the fact that she doesn’t run away from me and hide when I come up the stairs is good progress for a fortnight and I’m confident things will get better.

If only she’d stop jumping up on the bed in the middle of the night to kill my blanket …

3 thoughts on “Mabel Settling

  1. My two and a half year old Paris, a beautiful black cat from Animal Rescue Foundation, often wakes me at four in the morning to watch her eat. Now I place her bowl by my bed and simple point her in the right direction. She also leaves the ball she loves on my bed sometime during the night.

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